Category: WOTW

  • WOTW#5

    Detritus noun. waste or debris of any kindThere was an inordinate amount of detritus in the gutters after the tropical storm passed through.

  • WOTW #4

    Svelte adj. slender and elegant “I already look weird enough, I can’t wear anything that would make me look weirder.”“Don’t say that, you’re a very svelte young man.” The above was a real interaction I witnessed at a pawn shop the other day. Also, I didn’t post this week because I’m moving to Texas. I…

  • WOTW#3

    Parsimonious (adj.) Unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal It was not for want of money that he refused to see a dentist; there is a direct correlation between his parsimonious nature and all of his teeth falling out.

  • WOTW #2

    Pontificate (verb) to express one’s opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic“The professor pontificated about the importance of pushing literary boundaries for the entire class period.”

  • Word of the Week #1

    I’ve decided to start doing a Word of the Week (WOTW from now on) to break up my longer posts. These will be posted every Thursday. Splendiferous(adj.) Splendid. Splendiferous is just a longer, more ridiculous way to say that something is splendid. How splendiferous.